West Coast Radio Sailing Club

2021 IOM Coastal Cup registration

Due to Covid-19 social distancing measures, the first 4 events this year have been cancelled.
The remaining 4 events are listed in the NOR here.

NOTE:This is NOT an entry form for any of the  individual events.
It is only an entry form for the overall Coastal Cup series and to submit your $25 payment.

You must complete an entry form with your contact information (email and phone number) for each event you will be attending. This info is sent to each of the event organizers for their Covid safety plan required for each event.

CC1entry form here
CC2 entry form here
CC3 entry form here
CC4 and Pacific Regional Championship Regatta NOR & entry form here

See the event details in the column to the left. (these can be exported to your personal calendar).
You can export all these dates by scrolling to the bottom of this page and selecting Export Events

    Each 2021 Coastal Cup event is open to any skipper with a valid National membership (eg. CRYA, AMYA) with a registered & certified IOM. You do not have to register here in order to participate in any of these events. This registration is to allow you to be scored for the Coastal Cup Series.

    By paying the entry fee you will be scored on the best 3 out of 4 events and the top 3 skippers receive prizes and bragging rights.
    There will be memorabilia/keepsakes for every skipper presented at CC4 at SISC.
    There will also be door prize draws for skippers present at the awards ceremony after CC #4 at the Saltspring Island Sailing Club.

    Please select the regattas you plan on attending and complete the associated entry form for each event:

    CC1Steveston Imperial Landing, Richmond - July 18th
    CC2Long Lake, Loudon Park, Nanaimo - August 14th
    CC3RVicYC, Oak Bay - September 11th
    CC4SISC Pacific Regional, Saltspring Island - October 23 & 24th

    - Entry fee is $25 CAD which includes the $20 entry fee for CC4 - Pacific Regional Championship Regatta.
    - Entries must be received no later than August 14th - CC2.
    - Entries will be accepted on a first-come-first-serve basis.
    - Sail number conflicts will be resolved based on the date of receipt of entries. This overrides Personal Sail Numbers.

    For payment by eTransfer, send to email: treasurer@westcoastradiosailing.ca .
    For PayPal send to email: prufart@telus.net. (please use "Transfer to a Friend" so that the I do not incur Paypal fees).
    Or bring $25 cash to any event and pay me directly.

    Contact: Art Prufer – vicecommodore@westcoastradiosailing.ca

    Skipper Name (required)

    Your CRYA Number (or equivalent)

    Your Email (required)

    Hull Design

    Hull Registration Number

    Hull Colour

    Sail number

    Sail maker

    Name of your Club (if applicable)


    Payment method
    PayPaleTransferCash at next event

    You will be redirected to Paypal when you submit this form.
    If paying by Interac or Cash, simply scroll to the bottom of the Paypal page and click the small text in the footer:
    "Cancel and return..."