West Coast Radio Sailing Club

2020 News Archive

Nov 15

The WCRS AGM has concluded and it is time to begin the 2021 season planning. Normally this would be the time to request members to paid annual dues, however the Board has voted to extend memberships through to the end of 2021, and waive the dues for 2021. New membership cards will be email to members over the next few days.

Oct 29

Congrats to WCRS member Dan Henderson on the first splash of his brand new Tara Design IOM from ARS Composites in Thailand.


More details on this finely crafted design and builder can be found here.

Oct 26 WCRS Annual General Meeting Announcement

The WCRS AGM announcement details may be found on our Members’ Only Forum – click on link here.

The timetable is as follows

Oct 26 Issue notice of meeting, and call for motions, and Officer’s reports to be in by Oct 31.
Nov 1 Issue meeting agenda, reports of officers, motions, and assign any discussion or voting dates based on submissions.
Nov 3 create discussion items on forum and open AGM
Nov 4- 12 Discussions and voting.
Nov 13 Close meeting

Aug 1 Martin Herbert’s Dart 6 Covid 19 lockdown built woody

This is one of two new Woodies he built during the lockdown.

Here is some on-board video sailing footage taken the same day (the camera does not lie).

Mar 17

Message from Coastal Cup #1 event organizers:

Hi everyone
By now I’m sure its no surprise to anyone, that Peter and I have decided to postpone the event until at least September. Stay tuned for news but it is looking like we are going to have a very quiet season for the foreseeable future. 
On a brighter note, we’re sure that you are all interested to know what the new name of the Coastal Cup #1 event is going to be….we heard lots of suggestions and have come up with the Barry Fox Invitational, which we felt preserves the Barry Fox legacy and contribution to our hobby. Please see the attached pic, which is a vinyl sticker with the new name and Barry’s boat, photo taken at the pond on Saltspring. Everyone who signed up for the regatta gets one , either at the next event or mail by the end of the year. 
I hope the present situation improves enough that we can all sail together again soon. Take care everyone. 

At the time of this writing, IOM Coastal Cup event #2 at Long Lake has been cancelled. Events 3 & 4 at Salt Spring Island Sailing Club are also in question and most likely will be cancelled.
Coastal Cup #5, the Western Regional to be held in Whistler, BC are TBD, but at this time are still scheduled as planned, pending further updates on the Covid-19 pandemic.

The remaining CC events are also TBD at this time, but the hope is they will be able to go ahead as planned from July until October..

Mar 16

The Long Lake Spring IOM series has been canceled, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Most sailors are in the high risk category and the Province recommends social distancing to reduce the chances of viral transmission.
Stay tuned for an update on the Coastal Cup series. It will most likely also be affected by this pandemic.

March 7

Coming to the Annual Great Ocean Race around Protection Island off Nanaimo on April 18th. It looks like he’s hoping to set a record, or at least walk away with the Barn Door Trophy: https://www.youtube.com/embed/5zEYxUy7xho?feature=oembed

Feb 16 -2020 RIP Barry Fox

I received this email from Jan Schmidt last night:

Hello everyone,
It is with a heavy heart that I share the news that Barry Fox passed away this morning. His three children were with him, and his passing was peaceful.
I am not sure of what will happen next but will let everyone know if there are plans of a service. For now, we will focus on celebrating this wonderful man who was a friend to all.
In great sadness,

I’ve assembled a few random photos of Barry and his boats, that I could find.
Click here to view the Barry Fox Memorial Photo Gallery

Feb 3 – 2020 Coastal Cup

Entry and Registration form and Series NOR now available for the 2020 COASTAL CUP series here..
Click on the events tabs on the left pane for individual event details.
Here are the prizes that were distributed last year;

2019 CC prizes The 4 items on the right were memorabilia prizes given to all entrants
Tuning Guide
3 Boatstand prizes
Boatstand - laying down

Jan. 26 – New sailing venue in Victoria

8 sailors came out to Victoria International Marina to check out the new sailing venue.
More details on this location here.


Jan. 20th – WCRS is now an affiliated Club of the CRYA

As an affiliated member of the CRYA we are able to host regattas which meet the requirements of the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS 89).

Jan 19th – WCRS is formed as an RC Sailing Club for Vancouver Island region.

The board members of this club can be found & contacted here.
We are registered with the BC Societies Act as a member-funded society